Charger Spy Real FULL HD. Ideal for covert surveillance of offices, office or bedroom. Allows to record covertly while charging your mobile phone. If you want to buy a spy camera this device can be your product.
Its operation is very simple. You just have to connect the device to the electric power network and will begin to burn video files continuously with a duration of 3 minutes each. If the camera detects that the light is low (about 10 light) will activate automatically the infrared leds. It does not matter that it is night or is the light off. Be recorded in nitida up to a distance of 3 meters.
The autonomy of this charger spy is unlimited as it is fed directly from the electrical current.
All the videos are stored on a micro SD card with capacity of up to 128Gb (not included). Keep in mind that to be videos with the maximum quality recording (Full HD 1920 x 1080p) will occupy a lot of memory capacity (7 minutes equals 1 Gb)
The cyclic recording that has allows you to automatically overwrite videos oldest so you always have the latest recordings.