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In the private research sector we can find very good professionals whose work can be of help not only in our daily life, but also in the case of having to present evidence in court. It is possible that at some point you will have to resort to this type of professional, and we want to help you by explaining everything you need to know before hiring a private detective.

private detective

Types of private detectives

The profession of private detective is not widely known. We all know more or less what these professionals do, but in reality we know very little about their day-to-day life or the way they organize their work.

Aside from the myths surrounding this job, the truth is that a private detective must necessarily have specific training to carry out his work. It's not just about keeping track, but you need to know what actions you can take and what you can't do because they are illegal.

As in any other profession, a private detective who has just finished his formal training still has a long way to go to learn how to do the job and develop the skills that are essential.

Those who really feel attached to this profession tend to bet on continuing training to continue improving constantly. This implies knowing new methods of espionage, catch up on legislation, or even take some acting classes to blend in.

And all this without forgetting the specialization, which is one of the hallmarks of this job today. Although there are very versatile detectives, in the end those who obtain the best results in their investigations are those who have specialized.

Currently we can find private investigators specialized in branches as different as computing, the workplace or relationships.


Hire a private detective specialist in infidelity

We are not going to deny it, when we think of a private detective the first thing that comes to mind is the typical movie image of the inspector hired to reveal whether or not there is an infidelity, following up, taking photos and even hiding behind a newspaper.

Clearly, real detectives don't work like that, they are much more sophisticated and have better quality tools. But what is certain is that when it comes to hiring a private detective, the most in demand are those specialized in family matters.

Until a few years ago, our legislation required those who wanted to divorce to prove that there was a cause for it, infidelity being one of the most common. That is why there were many and many who hired detectives.

Today it is no longer necessary to allege any cause for divorce. In other words, at a legal level we do not need evidence of infidelity at all . But if we have suspicions about a possible infidelity of our partner it is normal that we want to discover the truth before taking a false step.

So today cheat detectives are still in high demand for their services.

Your job is usually to follow up on the alleged cheater for several days and try to find out if he or she is having a relationship with someone, obtaining evidence that you can present to your client.


Other types of private detectives

Family Detectives

Carry out research related to family issues. This ranges from the search for possible heirs for an inheritance that has not beencalled to investigations related to the non-payment of child support.


Computer detectives

They are perhaps the most discreet, since they only need their computer to work. They are experts in Internet and online security. Its mission is to detect possible intrusions into computer systems and thus contribute to safeguarding important company data.


Detectives specialized in the labor field

They frequently collaborate with mutuals and insurers to try to detect labor fraud. Workers who are faking an illness to be on leave, leaks of confidential company information or even thefts carried out by workers.


Difference between licensed and unlicensed private detectives

The main difference we find here is that the licensed detective is a professional, while one who acts without a license is a false detective.

The Ministry of the Interior emphasizes that in order to practice this profession it is necessary to have completed official private investigation studies and pass the tests established to obtain the corresponding license.

Hiring an unlicensed detective means putting yourself in the hands of a non-professional. Not only will the evidence obtained by him not have any legal validity, but you can also end up being responsible for administrative infractions and even crimes that this subject commits while working for you.

What for Can you hire a private detective?

As we have pointed out before, there are many reasons that can lead someone to hire a detective. In fact, today most of the clients of these professionals are companies.


¿ How do I contact a private detective?

It's not complicated, a simple online search will help you find professionals in your city. All you have to do is arrange a visit to present your case.


Is a private detective agency better or a detective on your own?

A lot depends on what you want to find out. If it is a very specific issue that has no further implications, such as infidelity, it may be perfectly worth it with a detective who works on his own.

On the contrary, if aspects that affect different areas can be derived from the topic to be investigated, then an agency that has specialists in different subjects is better for you. For example, if your company wants to know if an employee is diverting funds, it would be convenient for the task to be carried out by a team made up of an labor investigator and another specialized in finance.


Perfectly legal, as long as you go to professionals authorized by the Ministry of the Interior who have the corresponding license. This guarantees that the work will be done with the utmost respect for the rights of the people investigated.


Considerations to choose the most suitable service for me

  • Always choose detectives who are licensed. If they are legal they will have no problem giving you a copy of the licensencia.
  • Trust specialized professionals in the topic you want to investigate.
  • Sign a contract that reflects the service you have contracted and the type of information you are going to obtain.
  • Find out about thereputation of the detective you are interested in hiring. The Internet can be very helpful for this.
  • Do not focus on price as the only criteria when making your decision to hire . Look for a good value for money investigation service.


Can I use the private detective's information in court? What does the law say?

A private detective's report is considered documented or written witness testimony. In other words, the evidence is not the detective himself, but the fruit of his work: the report he has made, the photos obtained, etc.

In most cases, the detective intervenes in the process as a witness to the facts, but on certain occasions he can act as an expert if he has the training and accreditation to do so.


In what cases can private detective information be used in court?

Provided that the information has been obtained by a licensed private detective, in compliance with a mandate from his client and respecting current legislation, without violating the rights of third parties.


In which cases can information obtained by a private detective not be used in court?

Mainly in those situations in which the detective does not have the corresponding license or has not respected the basic principles of action of the profession and has violated the law and/or the rights of third parties to obtain evidence


¿ How much does it cost to hire a private detective in Spain?

This is a very difficult question to answer. Most detectives do not publish their fees.

This is because the final price of the service will depend on multiple variables such as the research hours contracted by the client, the technical means that have to be done use and even the possible displacements that the detective has to make.

However, in most cases when we hire a detective we are making a profit with the information they provide us, so we shouldn't really see it as an expense but rather as an investment.

In addition, when examining the budget we must not lose sight of the fact that we are not hiring just anyone, but rather a true professional who has been specifically trained to investigate and who must do their job with total diligence

In short, hiring a private detective is not complicated at all nowadays. But it's essential that you make sure you're dealing with a licensed professional and not an imposter.


12 Frequently Asked Questions about Private Investigators

What functions does a private detective perform?

A private detective is a professional trained to carry out investigations and obtain information in various fields. Its main functions include: investigating fraud, searching for missing persons, gathering evidence for legal cases (both civil and criminal), investigating infidelity in couple relationships, conducting corporate investigations such as industrial espionage or internal fraud, and verifying the authenticity of documents, among other tasks. Each investigation is unique, and the detective adapts her methods according to the needs of the case.


Do I need a legitimate reason to hire a detective?

Yes, you need a legitimate reason to hire a private detective. The work of these professionals is regulated by laws that vary from country to country, but in general, any investigation must respect the fundamental rights of individuals, including the right to privacy. You cannot hire a private detective out of mere curiosity or to invade someone's privacy without just cause. It is essential that there is a legitimate interest, such as well-founded suspicions, the need for evidence for a legal case, or genuine concerns about someone.


Is the work of a private detective confidential?

Absolutely. Confidentiality is one of the pillars of the work of a private detective. These professionals are obliged to keep all the information related to their investigation secret and not to disclose any details to third parties, unless it is necessary for the case and with the consent of the client. This confidentiality not only protects the privacy of the investigated subject, but also that of the client who has hired the detective's services. In many countries, the violation of this confidentiality can lead to legal and professional sanctions for the detective.


What is the difference between a private detective and a police investigator?

A private detective and a police investigator have different roles and responsibilities, even though they are both investigative. The main difference lies in their scope of action and authority. A police investigator is a member of law enforcement, has the legal authority to make arrests, search and seize property, and press charges. He works on criminal cases and his main goal is to enforce the law. On the other hand, a private detective is a professional hired by individuals or companies to carry out specific investigations. She has no arrest authority and her main goal is to gather information for the client. Additionally, while police investigators are supported by state resources, private detectives operate with resources provided by their clients or their agencies.


How much does it usually cost to hire the services of a detective?

The cost of hiring a private detective varies widely depending on the country, the city, the complexity of the case, and the experience of the professional. Some detectives charge by the hour, while others may offer a set package for certain services. In addition, additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, special equipment and others that may arise during the investigation must be considered. It is advisable to ask for a detailed quote and discuss all fees and expectations before hiring a detective. It is always wise to compare prices and services, and also check the detective's credentials and references before making a decision.


Can a private detective carry out monitoring or recording without the knowledge of the person being investigated?

It depends on the legal framework of the country or region where the research is being carried out. In many places, private detectives are allowed to follow and observe people in public places as part of their investigations. However, when it comes to recordings, especially audio recordings, the laws are often stricter. In many countries, record conversations without the consent of all parties involved is illegal. It is essential for private detectives to know and abide by local laws to avoid engaging in illegal activities and to ensure that the evidence collected is admissible in court. It is always recommended that, before hiring a detective, these aspects are discussed and clarified to avoid any legal problems.


Is the evidence obtained by a detective valid?gone to court?

Yes, in many countries, including Spain, the evidence obtained by a private detective is valid in court as long as it was obtained legally and respecting fundamental rights. It is important that the detective acts within the legal framework so that the evidence collected is admissible in court. If the evidence was obtained in violation of any right or regulation, it can be considered invalid and not be taken into account during the trial.


What kind of training and license does a private detective need in Spain?

In Spain, to practice as a private detective, it is necessary to have a specific degree and an official license. The training consists of a Degree in Security or a similar officially recognized title. Once the degree is obtained, it is necessary to pass a selection process called by the Ministry of the Interior and obtain the professional identity card issued by the General Directorate of Police. This card is the one that enables you to practice the profession throughout the national territory.


How can I verify that a detective is duly licensed?

In Spain, you can check if a private detective is duly licensed through the Dirección General de la Policía. It is important to ensure that the professional has a valid professional identity card. Additionally, many professional detective associations maintain membership rosters, which can be another source of verification. It is always advisable to ask the detective to show her license or credential before hiring her services to ensure her legality and professionalism.


What guarantees do I have that the detective will solve my case?

The nature of the work of a private detective does not allow us to guarantee a specific result, since the investigation can depend on multiple unpredictable factors. What can be expected, however, is professionalism, diligence, and an honest effort on the part of the detective to solve the case. It is important to discuss the expectations and objectives of the investigation with the detective before hiring him. Some detectives may offer settlements based on results, but it is always crucial to read and understand the terms of the contract before signing it.


Can I hire a private detective for international cases?

Yes, many private detectives offer services for cases involving international investigations. However, it is essential to note that laws and regulations may vary by country. The detective must be familiar with the laws of the country in question or collaborate with local professionals to ensure that the investigation is carried out legally. It is always advisable to consult with the detective about her experience and abilities in international investigations before hiring him for a case of this type.


What if I'm not satisfied with the detective's work?

If you are not satisfied with the detective's work, the first thing you should do is contact him and express your concerns. It is possible that there are misunderstandings or aspects of the case that can be clarified. If, after the communication, you are still dissatisfied, you can consider ending the contract according to the conditions agreed in it. In extreme cases, if you believe that the detective has acted unethically or illegally, you may consider filing a complaint with the relevant authorities or professional detective associations in your country.